How many times do your kids ask, "Whats for dinner?". Mine ask everyday, sometimes multiple times a day, and sometimes I get a bit annoyed. I know I shouldn't because if I wasn't the cook I would want to know too!
So I saw this awesome picture for using chalkboard paint and it gave me an idea! I can make a chalkboard out of a old picture frame, SO I can write the weekly menu out AND hopefully I will be asked less about whats for lunch AND the kids will know whats for lunch more! And honestly, sometimes I forget what I'm making that day so this will help me too :)
I'm sure this will take some adjusting, so I do expect to be asked, but I will be able to direct them to the chalkboard. Well, at least I can direct my 6 year old and he can relay the information to his 2 year old brother ;) This will ALSO help my 6 year old expand his vocabulary, and read aloud! Mom's are geniuses!!
-1 large picture frame from thrift shop or one you have {I used an old picture frame I already had}
-chalk paint {I found mine @ walmart for $5}
-sponge, OR something with a smooth surface to paint on chalk paint
First thing you need to do is clean the glass with vinegar water, OR whatever window cleaning product you use. {Vinegar water is non toxic, cheaper and works just as good!}
Next you will use your sponge, paint brush, or whatever you have to paint on the chalkboard paint.
After you paint on the first coat let it dry for 1 hour.
Once the first coat has set for one hour, you will apply a second coat.
Let the painted glass sit for 24 hours before use.
You can then put your frame back together and get your chalk!
I used mine like I said above for a weekly menu but you can use yours for a grocery list, any kind of list, reminder board, chores bored, time outs, home school, whatever you can think of!
Hope you enjoyed this and it inspires you to create something new!
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